Natural Remedies to Stop Hair Loss

Looking for natural remedies to stop hair loss? Our comprehensive guide covers the best natural remedies and tips to promote healthy hair growth.

Alopecia (hair loss) is a common condition. While it is more frequent in the elderly, it may afflict anybody, even children. It is common to lose 50-100 hairs every day.

Causes of Hair Fall

Various factors, including vitamin insufficiency, excessive vitamin A intake, and persistent underlying health issues, can cause hair loss. Let’s look at some more causes of hair fall.


Air pollution can harm the health of your scalp and hair follicles. Hair loss induced by air pollution might be similar to male-pattern baldness. It can also lead to scar alopecia, alopecia aerate, and persistent telogen effluvium. It causes hair protein degradation, alters the hydrophilic hair surface niche, and destroys the hair cuticles.


Male pattern baldness (MPB) or female pattern baldness (FPB) is a predicted pattern of hair loss caused by inheritance. (FPB). MPB often develops in your twenties or thirties as an M-shaped recession at the front of your scalp. By the age of 80, around 80% of males have MPB.


Hair loss and stress might be linked. Hair loss in other regions of the body may occur in certain persons. Although hair may regenerate, worry and stress can exacerbate hair loss, resulting in distinct patches of hair and baldness. Telogen Effluvium (Telogen Effluvium) is a (TE). Telogen effluvium is a typical kind of hair loss that occurs after a period of extreme stress or a physical shift.

Thinning hair, generally at the crown of your head, is one of the symptoms.


Lupus is an autoimmune illness in which the immune system destroys healthy cells and tissues. The joints, skin, kidneys, heart, lungs, blood vessels, and brain are all affected. Hair loss is a typical complication of lupus. Scarring on the scalp during hair loss caused by lupus may hinder hair growth in certain situations. If you’re experiencing hair loss, it’s always a good idea to consult a doctor before attempting therapies (such as Rogaine).

Hormonal Changes

5-alpha reductase is an enzyme that transforms testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. (DHT). It can also be produced from DHEA, a female hormone. DHT may be found in the epidermis, hair follicles, and the prostate gland. It is distinguished by sudden hair loss, generally occurring a few months after a triggering event. Except in cases of chronic telogen effluvium, which lasts longer, it normally lasts 6 months.

Tight Hairstyles

Hair loss can occur in anyone who habitually wears a tightly pulled haircut. There is, in fact, a medical designation for this sort of hair loss. It’s known as traction alopecia.

Natural Remedies to Stop Hair Fall

Egg hair mask to control hair fall

Because eggs are high in protein, sulfur, zinc, and phosphorus, they are an excellent treatment for chronic hair loss. Eggs help to strengthen hair strands, encourage hair development, and prevent split ends. Once you’ve established this practice, your nose will learn to relax, and you’ll experience the pleasure of having thick and beautiful locks.

How to Use an Egg Hair Mask to Prevent Hair Fall?

  • Combine 1 egg, 1 teaspoon of honey, and 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Apply the paste with a brush from the roots to the tips.
  • After 25 minutes, rinse with cold water and a light shampoo.

Licorice Root

This herb reduces hair loss and subsequent hair damage. It soothes the scalp and removes any dry flakes/dandruff.

  • To one cup of milk, make a paste with a tablespoon of crushed licorice root and a quarter teaspoon of saffron.
  • Allow this to sit on your scalp and hair length overnight.
  • Wash your hair the next morning.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is an effective home remedy for hair loss and growth. It may also treat scalp problems, including itching and flaking. Aloe Vera, which is somewhat alkaline, returns the scalp’s pH to normal. It is also useful for treating dandruff. It encourages hair growth by thoroughly penetrating the scalp. You’ll need an Aloe Vera leaf or stem. It is necessary to remove the pulp from the Aloe Vera stem.

Allow it to sit on your scalp and hair for 45 minutes. Rinse with cold water. For optimal results, repeat this three to four times each week.

Onion Juice

The key to combating hair loss is to take care of the scalp. Onions have antibacterial properties that help to treat scalp infections and increase blood circulation to the hair follicles. Furthermore, they are high in Sulfur, which increases Collagen levels. How does this help your hair, you may wonder? The ultimate secret to healthy hair growth and minimal hair loss is collagen supplementation.

  • Grind two peeled onions in a food processor and remove the liquid into a bowl.
  • Massage this liquid into your scalp and through your hair.
  • Allow this magical concoction to sit for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse well with water.

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