Cinnamon: Health Benefits

What is Cinnamon?

Cinnamon comes from the inner bark of the genus Cinnamomum tree. Cinnamon may be a spice made of the inner bark of various genus Cinnamomum tree species. Cinnamon is used as an associate degree aromatic flavorer and fixings addition in many cuisines, sweet and savoury meals, morning cereals, snack foods, teas, and ancient foods. Cinnamon’s scent and flavour are derived from its oil, principal part, cinnamaldehyde, and a spread of different compounds and eugenol.

Types of Cinnamons

Cinnamon is a versatile spice that may be used in sweet and savoury foods; it comes in four varieties. The darker-colored cassia cinnamon is the most readily accessible in the United States. It is cultivated in Southeast Asia. Others commonly utilize Ceylon cinnamon, also known as natural cinnamon. The cinnamon you buy at the shop might be one of two types: Ceylon, cassia, or a combination. Ceylon is less difficult to ground but may not have the same health advantages.

Health Benefits of Cinnamons

Cinnamon is a delectable spice, and modern science has proved what humans have intuitively understood for centuries.

Here are the top health advantages of cinnamon.

Antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties

Cinnamon is widely used in herbal medicine and is claimed to have several therapeutic and calming effects. The scent and flavor of cinnamon are obtained from the essential oils present in the bark, known as cinnamaldehyde. Cinnamaldehyde inhibits bacterial, viral, and fungal growth.

Cinnamon may aid in the treatment of Type 2 diabetes

The most promising study of cinnamon’s health advantages relates to type 2 diabetes. While there is no treatment for this metabolic condition, cinnamon can help treat its symptoms. The objective is to improve insulin sensitivity in the body, which, while present at birth in people without type 1 diabetes, gradually declines as we age and consume more sugar. Sugar floats about in the blood, causing diabetes and other health issues.

Cinnamon, which is non-toxic, heals the receptors and restores insulin sensitivity. Sugar levels eventually return to normal as insulin sensitivity improves.

Lower your cholesterol

Even though research is ongoing, several studies suggest that cinnamon may help reduce LDL (bad cholesterol) levels while increasing HDL (good cholesterol). Cinnamate, in particular, may reduce the activity of an enzyme that produces cholesterol, lowering the number of fatty acids in the blood.

Inflammation is reduced

Cinnamon prevents infection and repairs damaged tissue. It contains cinnamaldehyde, which helps to decrease edema and prevent blood platelets from sticking together. It can help with both acute and chronic pain disorders like arthritis. Cinnamon also improves blood circulation and directs it to joints when circulation is disrupted.

It could benefit gut health

Cinnamon, for example, has prebiotic qualities. These bacteria may aid in restoring the balance of bacteria in your stomach, promoting digestive health, and alleviating digestive disorders.

Cinnamon may aid in the management of metabolic illness

It’s likely not surprising that if cinnamon can help with type 2 diabetes, it can also aid with metabolic disease management. A 2016 research review, cinnamon may help decrease metabolic syndrome consequences, morbidity, and mortality. While these potential benefits of cinnamon consumption are intriguing, further well-designed subject studies are required before accurate conclusions can be formed. Because of its naturally sweet flavor, cinnamon can also be used as an appetite suppressant in people with a sugar addiction.

Acne treatment

Cinnamon can stop acne-causing germs in their tracks. Add three tablespoons of honey and one tablespoon of ground cinnamon to produce a paste for a great-smelling acne mask. Allow it to sit on your skin for 10 minutes before washing it off and enjoying your rejuvenated face.

Cancer-fighting properties

Cinnamon contains anti-cancer effects. It inhibits cancer cell development and hinders the creation of blood vessels in tumors. Cinnamon has been shown to protect against cancer, particularly colon cancer, when consumed daily.

It might be helpful to the aging brain

Alzheimer’s disease is becoming increasingly frequent as we age and is characterized by the gradual degeneration of brain cells. In Alzheimer’s disease, the accumulation of protein fragments in the brain inhibits how a person thinks and remembers. Cinnamon contains two compounds that seem to inhibit the synthesis of these proteins. Because much of this data comes from animal research, there is still much to learn about the consequences on humans.


Some people use cinnamon supplements to treat digestive disorders, diabetes, loss of appetite, and other ailments. It is also utilized to treat various medical conditions in traditional medicine. While consuming too much cinnamon may have some negative consequences, it is a healthy spice that is safe to use in modest to moderate doses. Ceylon cinnamon provides all of the health-promoting qualities while containing none of the harmful characteristics, making it the healthiest variety of cinnamon.

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