According to legend, the Chyawanprash was first introduced by sage Chyawan, who claimed to have gained back his youthfulness and vitality through this mixture. 

Chyawanprash is one of the most popular herbal medicines, which contains antioxidants and immune-boosting properties. For centuries, this mixture has been in use to treat many ailments. So, this black jam is considered the powerhouse of nutrients and medicinal herbs. 

In this article, you will learn in-depth about the benefits of eating Chyawanprash and its ingredients, as well as its side effects. 

So, to learn about it, stay in tune!

What is Chyawanprash?

According to Ayurveda, this Ayurvedic rasayana is the best tonic for all. It is named after Rishi Chyawan, who prepared it first, using around 50 nutrient-rich herbs and minerals with amla as the main ingredient in it.  

It is a herb-based formulation and an ayurvedic health supplement that tastes sweet, sour, and a tad spicy and almost looks like fruit jam to some extent. It is sticky and mostly has a brownish-black look, which is known to address many health issues and even promote your heart health. 

Ingredients Used in Making of Chyawanprash

The Chyawanprash is made of loads of herbs and plant extracts, which are well known for their immune-boosting and energising elements. Moreover, you can store outside the refrigerators for a long time without getting spoiled. 

The benefits of eating Chyawanprash come down to its ingredients. However, the ingredients can range between 25 and 80, with all these ingredients as the main. 

  • Amla (Indian gooseberry)
  • Neem
  • Pippali (Indian long pepper)
  • White sandalwood
  • Ashwagandha
  • Tulsi
  • Arjuna
  • Brahmi
  • Safflower honey
  • Ghee
  • Saffron
  • Cardamom

Benefits of Eating Chyawanprash 

1. Immune Booster

Chyawanprash, a traditional Indian health supplement, is a potent immune booster containing amla, which is rich in vitamin C. The adaptogenic properties in amla help to reduce stress and regulate your immune system. 

Studies have shown that eating Chyawanprash enhances your immunity, energy, and physical fitness. Moreover, if you are a school-going child or have children, eating this ayurvedic rasayana increases immune system cell activity.

2. Improve Your Digestion

The blend of amla, ghee, and honey helps to improve your digestion. The mix of nutrients helps to regulate your bowel movements and eases common digestive issues, contributing to your overall digestive well-being.

3. Promotes Respiratory Health

The benefits of eating Chyawanprash include chronic respiratory issues, addressing asthma, cough, and infections, and supporting long-term lung health. Its use may enhance lung function, protect against infections, and maintain a clear respiratory pathway, offering comprehensive relief for respiratory ailments.

4. Purify Your Blood 

Due to a busy lifestyle, you might suffer from insufficient sleep and regular indulgence in junk food, accumulating toxins in your body and causing complications. So, the benefits of eating Chyawanprash are that it aids in blood purification, effectively removing excess toxins and supporting your overall well-being. 

5. Improves Your Memory & Support Your Brain

This Ayurveda rasayana exhibits anti-amnesic effects, potentially aiding in amnesia treatment. In a mice study, daily Chyawanprash administration protected against memory impairment. 

The presence of antioxidant properties suggests potential benefits for Alzheimer’s, but further research is required to confirm these effects.

6. Boost Your Heart Health

Boost Your Heart Health

It offers potential benefits in lowering blood cholesterol. Amla, a key ingredient, is believed to contribute significantly to cholesterol reduction. Sesame oil within Chyawanprash contains antioxidants and hypocholesterolemic properties, further aiding in cholesterol reduction. These effects may positively impact overall heart health.

7. Promotes Healthy Weight Gain

One of the benefits of eating Chyawanprash is it aids in optimal mineral absorption, particularly calcium, fortifying bones and enhancing your muscle tone, facilitating healthy weight gain. Moreover, it promotes positive nitrogen balance, boosting serum protein levels and contributing to your overall well-being. 

According to the study, newly diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis patients exhibited significant healthy weight gain through Chyawanprash consumption.

8. Helps to Treat Tuberculosis 

Helps to Treat Tuberculosis 

The ayurveda rasayana, when combined with conventional drugs, diminishes pulmonary tuberculosis symptoms. However, it needs studies. The consumption of this herbal paste helps to shield against kidney and liver-related tissue damage. 

9. Enhance Your Skin and Appearance

Enhance Your Skin and Appearance

Chyawanprash is rich in vitamin C, which is good for your skin, and the presence of antioxidants in it fights off free radicals and prevents premature ageing. 

Studies conducted on hairless mice indicate its potential to reduce reactive oxygen species associated with ageing and oxidative damage.

Additionally, it may enhance your skin complexion, promoting your overall skin rejuvenation.

10. Boost Energy Level 

One of the benefits of eating Chyawanprash is the ability to boost your energy level. Many of us experience energy depletion due to heavy workloads, constant multitasking, and stress, hindering our ability to perform daily tasks. 

So, daily consumption of these Rasayana enriches with herbal extracts, which act as a potent adaptogen, combating fatigue and promoting overall well-being. It also ensures revitalising and energising your whole being.

11. Reduces the Effect of Smoking 

Smoking causes a serious health risk to us, damaging our DNA and increasing the risk of cancer. As per the research, it is suggested that the benefits of eating Chyawanprash include reducing smoking-induced DNA damage. 

Side Effects

Well, Chyawanprash is generally considered safe with no listed side effects or drug interactions. Despite this, people who are suffering from diabetes should be cautious due to its higher sugar content. 

Moreover, if you are a pregnant woman, avoid consuming this ayurveda rasayana for safe reasons. If you are going for it, ensure to consult a doctor before consumption to ensure your well-being.

Bottom Line 

In conclusion, the benefits of eating Chyawanprash range from immune enhancement to respiratory health. However, due to its nutrient-rich composition, it is advised that individuals with diabetes or during pregnancy should consult their physician before consuming it.


1. Is Chyawanprash medically proven?

Yes, Chyawanprash is supported by traditional knowledge and ongoing research, indicating positive health outcomes. It contains antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties and is a rich source of vitamin C, which helps to promote good health. However, before taking it, consult your doctor. 

2. When should I take Chyawanprash?

Chyawanprash is best taken in the morning on an empty stomach as it allows optimal absorption of its nutrients, promoting overall health and well-being. Also, you can take it after 1-2 hours after dinner. 

3. Is Chyawanprash good for kids?

Yes, this Ayurveda Rasayana is generally considered safe for kids. It is due to its nutrient-rich herbs, which act as a support for their immune system and their overall health. 

4. Is Chyawanprash beneficial for asthma?

It offers some benefits for asthma due to its herbal ingredients. It keeps your respiratory tracts hydrated, which helps in reducing the symptoms of asthma. 

5. Is Chyawanprash good for people with diabetes?

The benefits of eating Chyawanprash for diabetes aren’t fully proven, but it might help manage type II diabetes. The presence of natural sweetener honey tends to have a slower impact on blood sugar than white sugar.

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