treating anxiety disorders

Everyone has anxiety at some point, and treating anxiety disorders is vital. Anxiety is a feeling of anxiety or apprehension about a certain circumstance or its consequences.

What are the Ayurvedic approaches to treating anxiety disorders?

According to Ayurvedic approaches to treating anxiety disorders, it is an imbalance in the Vata dosha. The “air” principle is Vata. It’s light, dry, and portable. A Vata imbalance in the mind is characterized by an excess of lightness or movement—erratic thoughts, concerns, preoccupation, confusion, and difficulties focusing. As a result, Ayurvedic treatment for anxiety disorders focus on calming the Vata imbalance to restore normal functionality. Ayurveda offers several fantastic, completely safe, and tested remedies for anxiety management.

Ayurvedic treatment for anxiety disorders

The following are a few Ayurvedic treatment for anxiety disorders:

Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum)

In Ayurveda, holy basil, known as Tulsi, protects against chemical, mental, and physical stress. Tulsi is accessible in various forms, including tea, liquid gel, capsule, and powder. The typical suggested dose is 500–1000 mg three times per day, as needed. Tulsi tea is an excellent alcohol substitute for relaxing and soothing the nervous and endocrine systems. Growing this plant at home can add balance to your garden.


It entails a full-body massage using medicinal herbal oils. Abhyangam treatment stimulates blood circulation, which aids in the removal of metabolic wastes and poisons from the body. It stimulates important pressure points, which activate the neurological system and reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. In this therapy, two therapists use the right pressure to apply herbal oils to the individual’s entire body (head to toe). The massage lasts 45–50 minutes and is performed in seven positions.

This treatment increases immunity and promotes well-being by treating anxiety disorders. It is also useful for insomnia, paralysis, arthritis, and spondylitis.

Almond Milk

Researchers investigated the use of almonds to treat anxiety and discovered that almonds are high in vitamin E. Even if you dislike raw almonds, you should consider drinking almond milk. Vitamin E reduces anxiety problems. Magnesium may be a useful therapy for anxiety-related symptoms since low magnesium levels in the brain diminish the amount of the neurotransmitter serotonin. 1 ounce (approximately 12 nuts) of almonds provides 75mg of magnesium, 19% of your daily requirement.

Maintain an “impressions” diary

We frequently attribute digestion solely to our physical bodies. The mind, on the other hand, must absorb and assimilate all it receives through the senses. Conversations, television shows, music, podcasts, and everything else we take in through our five senses must be processed and absorbed, or else they become garbage in the mind. The word “impression” might refer to a sensation, a view, an imprint, a molding, or an imitation.

It’s best to start an “impressions” notebook, similar to how you would keep a food log. Impressions are the food your senses consume, and your eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and hands feed them constantly. While you may not be able to manage all aspects of your anxiety, you can begin to raise your awareness of what causes it. Consciously tracking your symptoms over time provides insight into potential triggers.

Include everything you ate/drank, where you were, who you were with, the time of day, what you heard, and any physical symptoms in your notebook.

Yoga Techniques

Yogic practices, which try to achieve equilibrium in the body and mind via physical postures and meditation, are a cornerstone of this comprehensive approach. Yoga has been demonstrated in studies to improve parasympathetic activation by lowering heart rate and breathing while improving relaxation responses in the brain. Natural treatments may be useful for treating anxiety disorders not only on a physical level but also on an emotional level, helping patients find release from stress.

Meditation is essential for patients to acquire insight into their mental and emotional states

Allowing experimenting with various approaches to cope with anxious thoughts without judgment or condemnation. Incorporating peaceful music during meditation sessions as the approaches to treating anxiety disorders can also promote emotions of peace and serenity, which contribute to general well-being. These therapies not only bring physical advantages but also help people to become more in tune with themselves on a deeper level, promoting mindfulness and self-care.

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