Reduce Sebum Production On Scalp

Limp, greasy hair may be an aggravating and unpleasant issue. You must reduce sebum production on scalp as soon as possible. It dulls your complete appearance and may occasionally make your face appear greasy. Oily or greasy hair is caused by an excess of sebum on the scalp. The oily fluid generated by the body’s oil glands to protect and moisturize the skin is known as sebum.

What is meant by sebum production on scalp?

Sebum production on scalp is natural oil that your sebaceous glands continually create. The sebum generated by the glands on your scalp causes your hair to seem greasy between washes. We all manufacture it throughout our lives, although hormonal changes (like puberty or pregnancy) might cause it to rise or decrease. It is the oil generated by your scalp’s sebaceous or oil glands.

Why to reduce sebum production on scalp?

Too much sebum on your scalp can also cause dandruff or scalp acne, contributing to hair loss. Fortunately, Ayurveda recommends using potent herbs to reduce sebum production on scalp while improving the quality of your scalp and hair. It can harm the hair physically and induce inflammation around the hair follicles, reducing the hair’s attachment to the skin. If you see dried or hardened sebum, this indicates that your scalp is unhealthy.

What causes sebum production on scalp?

When sebum oil interacts with sweat, hair products, and dead skin cells on the scalp, it causes sebum production on scalp. Seborrheic dermatitis, scalp psoriasis, and eczema symptoms might be similar. Some variables may enhance the risk of an increase in sebum production. Hormonal imbalances, metabolic diseases, digestive issues, poor scalp cleanliness, and the collection of germs or fungi that irritate the scalp are examples of these variables.

How to reduce sebum production on scalp?

Try Triphala – an Ayurvedic Herb

Amalaki, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki are tridoshaharas, which means they balance the three doshas in your body, enhancing your health holistically. Amalaki nourishes the scalp, while bibhitaki’s astringent properties calm hyperactive sebaceous glands.

When washing your hair, use the proper shampoo

It is essential to select the correct shampoo for your hair type. Shampoos clean the hair and scalp while preventing dirt, oil, and debris buildup. People with oily hair should use shampoos designed to remove excess oil and grease.


This ancient plant is well-known for its ability to stimulate the digestive Agni. As a result, it promotes digestion and soothes the exacerbated Kapha Dosha. It also efficiently eliminates Ama toxins from your body, which can produce a Kapha imbalance. Chitrak’s antioxidant properties are beneficial for various bodily disorders and may aid in the reduction of Kapha-related health concerns.

Choose your conditioner carefully

Conditioners assist in moisturizing your hair and preventing moisture loss. If you have oily hair, it is already moisture-locked and does not require conditioning. If you must use a hair conditioner, choose dry leave-in conditioners for the best results.


The leaves of the drumstick tree, also known as moringa, are a great Kapha dummy. It also aids in the equilibrium of Pitta. Moringa, high in oleic acid, moisturizes and inhibits your sebaceous glands from overproducing sebum.

Maintain your scalp’s pH

The pH of hair is naturally between 3 and 5. It is acidic, which aids in keeping the cuticles tight and moisture locked in. Avoiding alkaline hair products may keep your hair’s pH within a desirable range. Select shampoos and conditioners with a pH of 5 or less.


Kumari, also known as aloe vera, is a tried-and-true therapy for excess sebum production on the scalp. Aloe vera aids in the removal of sebum buildup on your scalp, allowing sufficient nutrients to reach your hair follicles. Furthermore, the anti-microbial properties of aloe vera protect microorganisms from infecting your scalp.

Use of heat styling treatments and colors should be avoided

For example, blow dryers and hair straighteners dry out your hair strands. This causes the oil glands to produce more sebum, resulting in greasy hair.


Ashwagandha is a well-known Pitta-Kappa-balancing Ayurvedic herb used to treat hair problems caused by high sebum production on the scalp. Ashwagandha increases blood circulation, efficiently detoxifying your scalp and removing Ama toxins that can cause hair loss.

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