Ayurvedic rituals to fight off pollution and smog

Winter’s arrival signifies a shift in the seasons, and the celebrations, including fireworks, deforestation, and climate change, make it harder for the nation’s capital and other communities to cope with the growing levels of air pollution. Your lungs can get damaged by pollution and seasonal allergens, so it’s important to take the right precautions to protect them and the rest of your body. Let’s see a few Ayurvedic rituals to fight off pollution and smog.


There are natural remedies that can cleanse the effects and absorb contaminants. Neem leaves cooked in water must be used to cleanse one’s skin and hair. Pollutants that have adhered to the skin and mucous membrane will be removed. Eat three to four leaves, if you can, at least twice a week. Both lymphatic tissue and blood are cleaned by it.


Pippali, sometimes called “Long Pepper”, is a potent Ayurvedic herb that fights lung infections. Use Pippali in any savoury meal instead of (or in addition to) black pepper for a quick and easy method to include it into your daily routine. Take 114 teaspoons each of ginger, turmeric, and Plppall powder together with one tablespoon of honey as soon as you wake up to treat a severe cold and congestion.


This plant, also known as basil or Thulisi, is a gift from God to humanity. Every Indian home has a Tulsi plant in the yard, per tradition. One should be aware that tulsi’s scent is quite calming. It spreads large amounts of oxygen, and consuming the Tulsi mixture is strongly advised to prevent cancer and respiratory problems.


You assumed ghee solely makes delicious cuisine. Reconsider! You can avoid toxins by regularly putting two drops of cow ghee in each nostril at the start of the day and before bed.


Eat half a teaspoon of turmeric powder mixed with one tablespoon of ghee or honey on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. Turmeric is one of the many Indian spices that has many uses and is very good for your health. A teaspoon of turmeric with honey taken first thing in the morning can help people live healthier lives by battling bacteria and strengthening the immune system.


Triphala uses three organic ingredients, specifically Triphala, a traditional Ayurvedic natural remedy that supports invulnerability. To rebuild your body’s resistance, take one tablespoon of Triphala and one teaspoon of nectar in the evening.


Adusa, sometimes referred to as Malabar nut, is in the same family as Pippali. When taken as directed, powdered Adusa and honey are thought to be helpful for respiratory infections such as whooping cough, bronchitis, and asthma. Additionally, because of its expectorant properties, it aids in promoting the release of sputum from the airways.

Juice of Pomegranates

Consume Pomegranate juice since it is a fantastic cardio-protecting fruit known to clean the blood.


Use the anti-microbial qualities of fresh garlic in your diet to help prevent illnesses. If the flavour of garlic bothers you, you can even take supplements.


This traditional Ayurvedic herbal formula boosts immunity and general strength. It is suitable for various ages, from small children to the elderly, and is one of the greatest family tonics.

Essential oils

Use a blend of essential oils, such as rosemary, thyme, clove, and tea tree, on your back to relax. Even drops of these oils work with your shower gel or cleanser.

Ayurvedic Herb Smoke

Guggulu and Aguru, two Ayurvedic herbs, may be used to make dhoop (smoke made in an earthen bowl), which can be used to avoid moisture in the home, a major contributor to allergy colds and shortness of breath.

Warm Home Cooked Food

Eat warm, home-cooked dinners rather than going out to a restaurant. Include herbs such as ginger, carom seeds, cayenne pepper, and turmeric in your meals. Your usual cup of chai will taste better with some pepper and basil leaves.

Breathing exercises

Pranayam, kapalbhati, and jal neti are easy breathing exercises to fight pollution’s negative impacts. Breathe deeply for four seconds through your nose. Breathe through your nose as much air as possible, then open your lips and make a sound as you exhale the final bit. Do it five to ten times each day while standing up.


The word “Ayurveda” means “knowledge of life.” It promotes specific lifestyle changes and natural remedies to re-establish a balance between the body, mind, spirit, and environment.

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