Ayurvedic Tips for Thriving Winter

According to Ayurveda, ‘pitta,’ or bodily heat, permits the human metabolism to function correctly. When ‘pitta dosh’ happens, the body heat rises dramatically. This rapid and unwelcome spike in body temperature disrupts normal metabolism and causes a chemical imbalance in the body.

Let’s look at some Ayurvedic Winter Tips.

Turmeric Milk

During the winter, most people drink coffee or tea to remain warm. Caffeinated beverages, on the other hand, are ineffective. Give up your warm cup of coffee this season and replace it with healthful turmeric milk. Drinking turmeric or golden milk will protect you from terrible colds and flu. To improve the effectiveness of your drink, you may add spices such as cinnamon powder and cardamom powder.

An Ayurvedic Winter Diet to Improve Your Health

During the winter, favour cooked seasonal vegetables such as sweet potatoes, beets, carrots, and lentils, and use healthy oils such as ghee and sesame oil to keep dryness at bay. In the winter, consume warm, fresh, and prepared meals, such as hot grain porridge for the morning and roasted vegetables and soups for lunch.

Start your Day with a Warming, Wellness Tea

First thing in the morning, drink hot water with lemon, ginger, and turmeric to clear your lymphatic system, get your digestive juices going, and balance your PH. Turmeric is warming to the body and is rich in curcumin, believed to enhance immunity, while ginger stimulates your digestive fire. It has long as an anti-inflammatory medication in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine.

Maintain Your Fitness

Increase your energy and engage in more high-impact exercise to boost your metabolism, increase natural endorphin release, and prepare your body for action. Avoid falling into a dull routine, don’t oversleep, and resist the urge to nap during the day.


Massage with essential oils, sesame oil, or mustard oil to keep warm, combat cold weather, and keep your skin soft and smooth. You can massage your skin before a morning bath or bed. Massage also relaxes the mind, relieves stress, and improves sleep quality.

Bring Herb Magic to Your Home

Allow winter herbs to become a staple in your diet. To boost immunity and keep your body warm, drink healthy herbal teas such as cinnamon tea, ginger tea, Tulsi (Indian basil) tea, and others.

Use Natural Oils to Dry Brush and Moisturise

Our skin dries out in the winter due to the chilly outdoor temperatures and the warm inside. Brushing your skin before a shower exfoliates it and activates the lymphatic system. After showering, moisturise with natural oil such as coconut, almond, sesame, avocado, or a combination of your favourites. Each oil provides a distinct benefit to your skin.

Mind Control

Set daily visualising objectives to counteract episodes of lethargy and sadness and protect you from your more sluggish side. Assisting you in creating visions of success and triggering an attraction to these desired aspirations, a focus for when we get out of lockdown.

Coconut Oil

Another typical problem in the winter is dry and frizzy hair. The frigid wind strips your hair of all moisture. During this season, use coconut oil to nurture and strengthen your hair. Massage a few drops of coconut oil into your scalp with your fingertips. Massage coconut oil into your hair to make it strong and shiny.

Self-Care Is Essential

Self-care provides balance. Abhyanga, or self-massage, is one of the healthiest Ayurvedic techniques you may adopt. Winter is the time to nourish your skin by rubbing it with warm organic oils like sesame oil. You can also put a few drops of Nasya oil in your nostrils.

Change your diet according to the Seasons

The traditional Eastern approach of Ayurveda focuses on balancing the body systems through food and herbal remedies. Soups, stews, and root vegetables, which are sweet, salty, sour, oily, and hot, can help you balance your body throughout the winter. Consume additional fat and protein by including healthy fats in your meals, such as olive oil, almonds, and avocado.

Take a deep breath

Controlled breathing, or pranayama in Ayurveda, can help you achieve a healthier condition of mind and body. The Kapha pranayama technique is ‘bellows breath,’ which deepens the quality of your breathing.


These were a few most effective Ayurvedic tips for winter; follow these tips to conveniently and enjoyably spend your winters.

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