Natural Treatment for Oily Skin

Oily skin is by too much sebum in the sebaceous glands. These glands are present beneath the skin’s surface. Sebum is an oily fat-based material. Sebum isn’t entirely harmful because it protects and moisturizes your skin and keeps your hair lustrous and healthy. Here are some natural cures for oily skin that you might try.

Natural Cures for Oily Skin


Soy on the skin can assist in regulating oil production and moisturising the skin. You may produce a paste out of soybeans by grinding them into powder and adding water. To get rid of oiliness, apply this paste to your skin.


Honey contains antibacterial and antiseptic properties. It is also a natural humectant, which helps keep moisture in the skin. A honey face mask may help to minimise the look of greasy skin. How to create one, apply a coating of honey to your face and allow it for 10 minutes before washing it away with warm water.

Juice of lemon

Lemon juice brightens your skin quickly, and its citric acid is an astringent, toning and regulating oily skin. Apply one teaspoon of lemon juice and 12 teaspoons of distilled water on your skin with a cotton ball and leave it on for 10 minutes. After that, rinse with warm water.

A good skin care regimen

If you don’t cleanse your face, the excess sebum in your pores may trap debris or dead skin, causing a breakout. If you wash your face too frequently, your skin will create even more oil to compensate for the dryness. Developing a face-cleaning routine that strikes a happy medium is a good idea. Wash your face twice daily with a light cleanser and use a moisturiser. Avoid using harsh soaps or treatments that dry up your skin.

Don’t sleep with your makeup on! Always, wash your face for five minutes before bed.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is naturally cleaning and multipurpose, whether you drink its juices to aid digestion or apply it to your skin. It’s naturally anti-microbial, which you want in your skincare products if you have oily skin since it can fight the bacteria that clog your pores. Aloe vera may absorb excess oil, resulting in a more balanced complexion. Most health food stores sell aloe vera gel, but you may make your own by extracting it from the plant’s leaves!

Aloe vera is a beautiful houseplant that requires little care and may even filter the air in your home, reducing indoor air pollution! You might also attempt to find a skincare product with this element, such as Aloe Vera Gel with Vitamins A, C, and E.

Fuller’s Earth

Fuller’s earth, also known as “Multani mitti”, is excellent for oily skin. It functions as an absorbent, absorbing all the oil and debris, resulting in fresh, bright skin. Multani mitti may be used to manufacture a variety of face packs. To prepare a Multani mitti herbal face pack, combine turmeric, sandalwood powder, gramme flour, and saffron. To get a paste-like consistency, combine these components and add water. Then, to get rid of oily skin, apply this face mask.


According to a study of several experiments, oatmeal may have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities. It may also help with skin conditions such as viral infections, atopic dermatitis, pruritus, and acneiform eruptions. An oatmeal face mask might help to minimise the look of greasy skin. Oatmeal combined with honey or mashed fruit makes an excellent face mask.


Honey is a skin-care powerhouse; it helps decrease excess oil, clears pores, hydrates (without leaving the face greasy), and has natural antimicrobial and antibacterial qualities that may improve acne-prone skin. Apply a little coating of honey on your face. Allow it to settle and dry for 10-15 minutes (raw honey is best). After that, rinse with warm water.

Cloths for cleaning

Though it is ideal only to wash your face once a day, occasionally, a boost is required to cleanse the skin truly. If it’s boiling outside and you’ve been sweating, you can use a washing cloth to remove the extra oil. A workout’s excess sweat and oil can clog your pores, so a fast wipe with a cleaning cloth can keep your pores clean and help prevent breakouts.

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