According to Ayurveda, the Kapha Dosha is responsible for most memory and brain health problems characterized by its dense, thick, mushy, and sticky qualities. The human brain, the pinnacle of biological evolution, supports thoughts, memory, movement, and emotions through complex functions. It also acts as the nervous system’s command center. Maintaining a healthy brain throughout one’s life is the most important objective in seeking health and longevity.

Diet to improve memory and brain health according to Ayurveda

The following is the Diet to improve memory and brain health according to Ayurveda:


A small clinical trial shows that giving healthy older persons taking Turmeric twice daily for 18 months enhances their memory and brain health. The health advantages of Turmeric are beneficial to your brain. Research shows participants’ ability to answer subtraction problems increased after consuming curcumin daily for four weeks. According to different research, curcumin enhances memory and focus. The study demonstrates that Turmeric could stop amyloid accumulation in specific brain regions.

Given how it affects BDNF levels, it may also aid memory and brain health. More research is needed to support this, though.


Vitamin C and flavonoids, two brain-healthy antioxidants, are abundant in broccoli. Additionally, broccoli includes glucosinolates, which the body converts into isothiocyanates. Isothiocyanates can decrease the risk of neurodegenerative illnesses. Its many constituents’ anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties may help shield the brain from harm. Sulforaphane, a compound found in other greens like kale, assists brain cell development and detoxification. Another excellent brain food that can keep your youngster focused in class is broccoli.

Another excellent source for improving memory and brain health for both adults and children is fish.

Pumpkin seeds

Pepitas, or pumpkin seeds, are a great source of magnesium, zinc, copper, and iron, all essential to maintaining a healthy brain. A healthy neural system and brain require magnesium. Pumpkin seeds, which are more abundant in zinc than many other seeds, provide this vital mineral essential for improving memory and cognitive abilities. They also include magnesium, which relieves tension, B vitamins, and tryptophan, a precursor to the happy-making chemical serotonin.

Fiber is healthy for the brain and abundant in pumpkin and pumpkin seeds. A high-fiber diet promotes a healthy gut, which promotes good brain function.


Due to the high vitamin E content of almonds and hazelnuts, frequent consumption may slow the progression of cognitive deterioration. According to one study, higher plasma vitamin E levels consistently correlated with improved cognitive function. Regular nut consumption is excellent for the brain. Nut consumption enhances mental performance, lowers the risk of depression, elevates mood, and enhances memory, learning, and attention. Fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in nuts play an important role in brain function.

Almonds aid with memory improvement. But the walnut is, without a doubt, the best nut.

Vitamin-C rich foods

The potent antioxidant vitamin C fights the free radicals that might harm brain cells. In addition to maintaining brain health as you age, vitamin C may offer protection against illnesses including Alzheimer’s disease, major depressive disorder, anxiety, and schizophrenia. Adults who are becoming older can improve their memory and brain health with the help of vitamin C by maintaining the health of their brain cells.

Vitamin C is understood to have defenses against memory problems and other declines in mental acuity. It has several roles in the brain, such as assisting dopamine beta-hydroxylase in turning dopamine into noradrenaline, etc.


Bacopa increases brain chemicals related to memory, learning, and thinking. Additionally, it could shield brain cells against toxins linked to Alzheimer’s disease. As a result, the brain gets more blood. This is significant because blood carries essential substances, including glucose, the brain’s primary fuel source, and oxygen, minerals, hormones, and neurotransmitters. It is a well-known brain supplement because it boosts brain chemicals linked to memory and learning while protecting brain cells.

The herb:

  • reduces stress
  • enhances memory
  • is suitable for memory problems
  • cognitive difficulties
  • anxiety, and
  • difficulty concentrating


It relieves tension and anxiety while also calming the brain. Madhya aids memory, aided by its (improves intelligence) quality, since it is a brain tonic. Take Shankhpushpi powder with warm milk or water to improve focus and memory. The herb relieves anxiety, mental strain, stress, and sadness by acting on the brain and nerve cells. All forms, except massage oil, can be ingested with water or milk after meals, ideally in the morning.

Gotu Kola

Triterpenoid saponins, frequently found in medicinal plants, are among the plant’s substances. The ability of gotu kola to improve memory and overall cognitive function suggests that it may one day treat Alzheimer’s disease. You can consume gotu kola, but for most of us, taking it as a supplement is more straightforward and more practical. Supplements containing gotu kola are available as pills, capsules, and tinctures. The usual dosage is 60 milligrams, taken two to three times a day.


The herb Guggulu has antioxidant properties and the capacity to lower oxidative stress. It shields the brain’s cells against oxygen-robbing chemicals that can instigate illness, impair function, and hasten age. This makes it a fantastic source of brain fuel. It is the foundation for a whole class of traditional Ayurvedic remedies known as Guggulu because of their potent cleansing and rejuvenating properties, which can improve their therapeutic effects when combined with those of other herbs.

Additionally, it has a favorable relationship with fat or meda dhatu.


It is a well-known adaptogen or anti-stress substance, and it has a lot of positive health effects, including a more youthful state of physical and mental health and a rise in happiness. Ashwagandha also promotes memory and brain health, lowers blood sugar and cortisol levels, and aids in treating anxiety and depression, in addition to offering a host of other advantages for your body. It stimulates neuronal development and guards against oxidative stress and damage.

People with high-stress levels substantially increase memory and attention if they take 300 mg of Ashwagandha root extract daily.

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